Girl Power Bouquet

Girl Power Bouquet

The FTD Girl Power Bouquet brings together roses and Asiatic lilies to send your sweetest sentiments and offer your congratulations on the birth of their new baby girl! This flower bouquet creates a wonderful way to send your warmest wishes for the adventure of parenthood ahead. (Lily may not be open as pictured when flowers are received)
from $85.00
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Add a Finishing Touch

Hand Written Card

Hand Written Card



from $10.99
Mylar Balloon

Mylar Balloon

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Plush Bear

Plush Bear

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InstaCake Happy Holidays Card

InstaCake Happy Holidays Card

HOLIDAY JOY Soy Wax Candle 8 oz

HOLIDAY JOY Soy Wax Candle 8 oz

Winter Swag

Winter Swag

Everlasting Rose Bloom

Everlasting Rose Bloom

Single Long-Stem Rose

Single Long-Stem Rose

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Rose Petals

Rose Petals

Apothecary Candle

Apothecary Candle

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Artisan Tea

Artisan Tea

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