European Garden Bouquet

European Garden Bouquet

A gorgeous, bountiful European hand-tied bouquet featuring pink roses, burgundy gerbera daisies, snapdragons, bells of Ireland, freesia, alstroemeria, coloured foliage and a nice selection of greens. You pick the occasion and this bouquet will fit!

We may need to SUBSTITUTE with a nice seasonal flower assortment based on availability per season.

from $80.00
* :

Add a Finishing Touch

Hand Written Card

Hand Written Card



from $10.99
Mylar Balloon

Mylar Balloon

from $9.99
Plush Bear

Plush Bear

from $19.99
HOLIDAY JOY Soy Wax Candle 8 oz

HOLIDAY JOY Soy Wax Candle 8 oz

Winter Swag

Winter Swag

Everlasting Rose Bloom

Everlasting Rose Bloom

Single Long-Stem Rose

Single Long-Stem Rose

from $12.99
Rose Petals

Rose Petals

Refreshing Citrus Candle

Refreshing Citrus Candle

Apothecary Candle

Apothecary Candle

from $39.99
Sweet Blooms Dried Bouquet Qty. 1

Sweet Blooms Dried Bouquet Qty. 1
